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Atlas Journal of Medicine (ATLJM) in all fields of medicine; It aims to contribute to the medical literature by publishing original research, reviews evaluating current developments, case reports and letters to the editor.


Atlas Journal of Medicine; It publishes original researches, invited articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor on basic medical sciences, clinical medical sciences, dentistry, and nursing services.

 Academicians, researchers, all health professionals, students and related professional, academic institutions and organizations constitute the primary audience that the journal tries to reach.


All articles sent to the journal are scanned with the iThenticate plagiarism prevention program. ATLJM adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics and adopts international principles in this regard. All parties in the publication process (Editor, Reviewer, Author and Publisher) are expected to abide by these principles without exception. Articles with an ithenticate citation rate above 15% are not accepted.

ATLJM accepts the World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (2013) and WMA Statement on Animal Use in Biomedical Research (2016) standards and adopts ethical standards as a principle.

An Ethics Commission report in accordance with the above-mentioned international standards is required for clinical and experimental studies, drug research and some case reports.

 The name and approval number of the ethics committee for which approval was obtained should be clearly stated in the text of the article. 

 If deemed necessary, an official letter with an Ethics Commission report or equivalent may be requested from the authors. 

In manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies on humans, after the nature of the procedures applied to the people who have been studied, a statement regarding the obtaining of their consent should be included in the text. 

In studies conducted on animals, those that have been done to avoid pain, suffering and discomfort should be clearly stated in the article. 

It is the authors' responsibility to protect the confidentiality of patients' identities. For photographs that may reveal the identity of patients, signed permissions from the patient or their legal representatives must also be sent.

Publication policy  

The Editor or Member of the Editorial Board has the authority not to publish the articles that do not comply with the journal rules and publication policies, to send them back to the author(s) for correction, to edit them in format or to reject them. The Editor or Member of the Editorial Board may send the article he/she deems appropriate to the advisor(s) for review. Requesting corrections from the author cannot guarantee that the article will be published. 

The ethical, scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author(s).  

The writing material is not returned to the authors, whether it is accepted for publication in the journal or not. No copyright is paid for the articles published in the journal.

Authors Responsibility

Compliance of the articles with scientific and ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors. Applicable copyright laws and agreements must be observed. Copyrighted material (for example, tables, figures, or large quotations) should be used with due permission and acknowledgment. The work of other authors, contributors, or references should be used appropriately and cited in references.

Academically and scientifically, the authors mentioned in the article; It is expected to make a significant contribution to the conceptualization, design, acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the research. Persons who carry out scientific criticism and formal review in writing and shaping content are also considered authors. All authors must indicate the author rank on the Copyright Agreement Form signed. All individuals who did not meet the criteria for authorship but contributed to the study should be listed in the "thanks / information" section. 

All authors related to the study; financial relations must declare their conflict of interest at the time of application. If an author detects a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her published article, it is the responsibility to immediately contact and cooperate with the editor for correction or retraction of these inaccuracies.